At a time when personal and professional development are increasingly important, we know there is no one-size-fits-all approach to growth. DJA’s distinctive approach to coaching is that we always center inclusive values, the identities and lived experiences of the people or groups with whom we work.

DJA Coaching Guiding Principles

It’s critical that the client and coach are in sync regarding the underlying philosophy that will inform the coaching process and relationship. The following principles guide the coaching work at DJA, from executive and leadership coaching to organizational strategy and alignment.

  • Focus on the Positive
    The positive core that is present in all people is the obvious starting point in a coaching relationship. Affirming effective practice is more constructive than internalizing weakness.
  • Capitalize on Strengths
    Coaching should build on personal strengths to identify targeted skill practice toward measurable goals. A strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. Talents are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Talents, knowledge, and skills—along with the time spent (i.e., investment) practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base—combine to create your strengths.
  • Share Responsibility for Excellence
    Both parties must take responsibility for the success of the coaching relationship. This means that communication must be open, timely and honest. It also means both parties: are focused on helping the client meet identified goals; follow through on commitments; and strive for excellence in process as well as outcomes.
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  • Phase 1: Scoping and Assessment
    Begin the relationship by developing an understanding of the clients’ needs. It is essential that agreements are made about who the primary client is, and how communication and confidences will be managed.

    Interviews and/or data gathering conversations take place with the client, peer, supervisor and/or staff to gain a fuller picture of the current state and begin engaging key stakeholders in the process. Create developmental goals and plan for pursuing them.
  • Phase 2: Work toward Goals
    We work with the client to make progress on developmental goals. Clients are provided with structured learning or other activities that support advancement of goals. During this phase DJA may begin working with the client’s team, as needed. This may include team capacity building, targeted education or problem solving, or visioning and planning for the future.
  • Phase 3: Closure and Communication
    The final phase of a coaching relationship is the time to reflect on growth and to commit to continual learning. This is also the time to communicate developmental successes to those who have invested in the client’s journey.

Want more information about our Coaching Programs

Contact us to learn more about our coaches, coaching services and programs.